Embrace Every Season

By: Kassi Solis

            If there is one phrase that has been the pinnacle of my life in this walk of faith and motherhood it is this – embrace every season. Too often, we find ourselves wishing for what has yet to come. We know we are called to do great things, but we forget the great things God is working in us within the season we are in at present.

            I found this to be very true in being a mom. You see, I was not one of those amazing women who absolutely loved being pregnant, effortlessly soaking up the infant stage of mothering. It wasn’t that I had a terrible time in pregnancy. Actually, both of my pregnancies were pain-free and complication-free. However, I found myself struggling with thoughts that I just simply couldn’t do things that I thought I wanted to do. I almost felt held back during the early seasons of parenting. The enemy would even tell me that I wasn’t fulfilling the call of God on my life.

            I know this might sound callous, but take comfort in the fact that I have absolutely loved my girls in every season – even when they were hidden secret within my womb. But the thoughts of wishing I could do more were something I really had to make sure I kept on top of. I knew if I entertained them too long, I would pass up on the gift of “now” God was calling me to. So, when God reminded me of His instruction to embrace every season, I began to see the time of creating life and nurturing the ever so fragile life after delivery as a gift.

            Did my life seem less adventurous? Perhaps, but in time I came to realize that adventure isn’t always loud and boisterous. Sometimes adventure is in the quiet and seemingly uneventful seasons of life. I began to find joy in the restful moments of not always being in the middle of everything, and adventure in the late nights of trying to soothe my crying babies.

            Parenting is not the easiest feat in the earth. There are no real handbooks on how to raise a child with perfection. However, I believe that more importantly than achieving great parenting skills is embracing the joy these beautiful gifts of life God has given us. From the butterfly sensations of them being knit in our womb, to the wonder of how beautifully peaceful they sleep within their cribs, to them discovering that everything they see is filled with wonder and curiosity, to realizing that God has given us a free will to choose Him. From the tears of trying to understand the emotions that come with being a teenager and the anxiousness that attempts to discourage us as we embark on adulthood; every season we get to experience with our children is precious and priceless.

            So whatever season you are in, embrace it. Embrace the dependency your tiny human has for you. Embrace the time of teaching your toddler the wonder of God’s creation and the need for His guidance and correction; knowing it will mark them for life. Embrace the time in prayer over your preteen as they navigate their natural bodies pressing towards a new season. Ha! Ha! Fun times. Embrace the adventure that you once felt when you were a teenager – experience it all over again as you guide your child through the challenges that high-school brings. And then embrace letting them go. This season is probably the greatest test of our faith in God, but I have found it to be the most rewarding season thus far. There is nothing like watching all of the seeds God has directed you to sow produce fruit that is visible, as they begin to live their lives on their own faith and revelation of God.

            If you feel anxious for the next season or if you feel either overwhelmed or, perhaps, underwhelmed by the season you are in, let me encourage you with this – this very moment is a gift from our gracious Father. Ask Him to show you the wonder of the present. Fully embrace the season you are in so that when you have turned the page to another chapter, you leave no regrets behind.

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